
Mission – Vision – Core Values


Apply “University City” model with advanced and modern quality education, training, research, community services and social services.


By 2030, Vo Truong Toan University will be the place to operate a professional and high-quality education and training system to meet the learning and research needs of Hau Giang in particular and Vietnam in general; developing a system of community services and social services to meet the national and international development needs.

Core Values

Ethics: At Vo Truong Toan University, staff, lecturers and students are trained and educated in an environment that honors morality and national traditions.

Knowledge: Is an invaluable asset that you can always carry with you and is the most solid luggage for each individual to enter life. Vo Truong Toan University is the best environment for staff, lecturers and students to study, acquire knowledge and apply scientific progress of the world to real life.

Creativity: Is the highest peak of the path of knowledge acquisition and reproduction. Innovation is the strongest, fastest, and most promising way to grow. Every staff, lecturer, and student at Vo Truong Toan University is encouraged to maximize creativity.

Development: Staff, lecturers and students of Vo Truong Toan University will have enough knowledge, skills and competitiveness to meet the needs of teaching and learning, serving regional and world integration, and contributing to the development of Vietnam.

PHASE 2020 -2025

  1. Focus on perfecting and developing criteria on education, research and service that meet quality index according to national and international standards.
  2. Expanding the scale in terms of quantity and quality in areas of operation.
  3. Develop the model of “University City” to a next level in line with the development of the national and international socio-economic development.
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